Nicholas Ford

Nicholas Ford

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Responsibility is key in college. There are due dates, conferences, projects and some unique assignments by instructors. Then there are tasks outside of school such as the job, home etc. There is no real key when taking control of errands except for one’s mind. Getting work completed is a personal assessment. The To-Do list is a great method for organizing time to accomplish chores but the lists will not do the work. Here are various steps towards taking control of obligations.

1.       Consider the Drawbacks of Incomplete Duties.

There are people who think incomplete assignments will not affect them badly and because of outside matters, they have a reason to miss assignments. Mistaken! School is all about accountability. “Why do I need to know this”? May be a daily question. That’s because the material is not essential but the determination to complete the tasks allocated is.

2.       Look in the Mirror and say “I Am an Adult, I Got This”.

Empowerment is a great way to have confidence in all aspects of life. If one feels that he/she is going to do spectacular on an assignment, they most likely will. Comprehend that being a student outlines a person desiring to absorb from an educational institution. Regardless of the motive for going to school, the opportunity to go is remarkable enough to say “Okay, I am not going to blow this chance”.

3.       Do Not Worry about Other’s Opinions.

Focusing on the judgment of others is ridiculous. Reflect back to the glorious days of High School. Where people’s opinions appeared to be solely what mattered. Do any of those opinions have control over life now? No. Let’s look at the person who dished out disrespect. Where is he/she now? Not significant. Where is life now? Oh! Learning how to be a better college student; therefore, being productive. The point is, do what is vital for progression because in the end no one else’s opinion matters.

4.       Get a Date Planner. (Use To-Do Lists Also)

Keeping dates organized is a splendid practice. This helps to prevent going to class unprepared and eliminating possible stress. I am sure most of us college students have walked out of class and 5 minutes later speculated what was assigned. I seriously cannot advise using a time organizer enough. Who does not like win-win situations? The more a planner is used the simpler life gets.

5.       The Golden Rule: Work First, Then Play.

Making a beeline for the bed or a friend’s house directly after school is not a noble decision. Once class lets out accomplish all that is written in the date planner for the specified date. Doing this will leave a feeling of accomplishment. Now spending the day with friends and doing all that jazz is much easier. Be comforted knowing readiness is not an issue, understanding the importance of liability between work and play will make sense. If play seems to be more important than work, then stride into the lecture unprepared and watch how class goes.

Now that I have specified some direction towards responsibility, the time has arrived to take these points and situate them into action. Everyone desires to adore life, but how can one enjoy something with stressors left and right? Take time out of the day to stay ahead so life will not endure as much anxiety. College can be a rickety road but there is a scenic route and the only “toll” is a responsible mentality.